My husband and I started trying for a baby shortly after getting married. We knew that PCOS could make getting pregnant difficult. After 5 years of trying we had our first daughter with the help of Clomid and my OBGYN.We decided to start trying again within a year. We were able to get pregnant on our own but miscarried. My doctor started me back on Clomid but this time it didn’t work for us. We were referred to a local fertility clinic wherewe had a terrible experience with our first round of IVF. A friend told me about Brown Fertility and how wonderful everyone there was so we made our first appointment. The amazing staff in the Orlando office made us feel so welcome!

We did our second round of IVF and had two embryo transfers when we finally got the news we’d been praying for! After another 5 years of trying for another baby, almost 2 years of fertility treatments and 3 miscarriages our last remaining embryo made it! On August 30th at 8am our daughter, Lena, came into the world weighing 7lbs 4oz!

Don’t give up! Our rainbow was so worth the wait in the storm! I can never thank Dr. Brown, Dr. Cabrera, our nurse Mena, and the whole staff that we met along the way enough for the family they’ve helped us achieve!